Nice! Our paper on the Contextual Characteristics of Movement Behaviors has been published on JMIR mHealth and uHealth!
Magistro D, Sessa S, Kingsnorth A, Loveday A, Simeone A, Zecca M, Esliger D
A Novel Algorithm for Determining the Contextual Characteristics of Movement Behaviors by Combining Accelerometer Features and Wireless Beacons: Development and Implementation
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(4):e100
DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.8516
In short, we developed and implemented an innovative
algorithm to determine “where” physical activity occurs using proximity
sensors coupled with a widely used physical activity monitor, not just the "what" is done and "when".
Our original and innovative algorithm, based on graph generation and Bayesian filters, was able to accurately predict the indoor location of an individual within the building.
This novel implementation of "context sensing" will facilitate new research questions and applications, including promoting healthy behavior change, optimizing patient care, and efficient health care planning.
Thanks Daniele and Salvo for the wonderful work.